
In addition to simply calculating the averages of some observables in your Monte Carlo simulations, sometimes you are also interested in quantities that are functions of these observables, such as the Binder cumulant which is related to the ratio of moments of the magnetization.

This presents two problems. First, estimating the errors of such quantities is not trivial due to correlations. Second, simply computing functions of quantities with errorbars incurs a bias.

Luckily, Carlo can help you with this by letting you define such quantities – we call them evaluables – in the Carlo.register_evaluables(YourMC, eval, params) function.

This function gets an Evaluator which can be used to

evaluate!(func::Function, eval::Evaluator, name::Symbol, (ingredients::Symbol...))

Define an evaluable called name, i.e. a quantity depending on the observable averages ingredients.... The function func will get the ingredients as parameters and should return the value of the evaluable. Carlo will then perform jackknifing to calculate a bias-corrected result with correct error bars that appears together with the observables in the result file.



This is an example for a register_evaluables implementation for a model of a magnet.

using Carlo

function Carlo.register_evaluables(

    T = params[:T]
    Lx = params[:Lx]
    Ly = get(params, :Ly, Lx)

    evaluate!(eval, :Susceptibility, (:Magnetization2,)) do mag2
        return Lx * Ly * mag2 / T

    evaluate!(eval, :BinderRatio, (:Magnetization2, :Magnetization4)) do mag2, mag4
        return mag2 * mag2 / mag4

    return nothing

Note that this code is called after the simulation is over, so there is no way to access the simulation state. However, it is possible to get the needed information about the system (e.g. temperature, system size) from the task parameters params.